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Sunday, January 17, 2010

John Evans PLN

This past week we were lucky to have a presentation by John Evans. John is a Professional Learning Consultant for Manitoba Education and promoter of technology in classrooms. He brought new ideas into the classroom and really opened my eyes wider to the resources available online. John not only promotes the internet as a great place to find resources, through his wiki site and twitter account he offers a ton of these great resources.

John's presentation was super informative, I feel the time we had was not enough to get the full grasp of what he was teaching us. Its too bad we only had one day with him, not that we're not learning a lot from Mike. Its awesome to learn from people like Mike and John who are so passionate about technology in classrooms, its people like these guys, who love technology, that really encourage me to use it.

John's main focus was on PLN's (Professional (Personal) Learning Network). A PLN is an awesome tool for any educator who wants to continue to learn new strategies and gain new ideas for using technology in classrooms. During this semester I will definitely be building my own PLN. The ideas and resources he shared with us, along with the ones we already learned from Mike, will be the start to a great PLN.

Lava Man


  1. I agree, it's really something to have someone like John come in who has so much experience and knowledge to share with other people. The resources he showed us were amazing! I can't wait to try some of the things I have already seen, and can't wait to see what else I can find!

    I would like to build my own PLN too, but I feel like we didn't get enough time, and he didn't really show us how to make one, or what to put on it, or even a site to use. If you figure it out, let me know!


  2. Nice post tyler. I most definitely agree with your feelings regarding the lack of time to try out some of John's ideas. Thankfully we can review the presentation by viewing our classmates blogs.

    I'm also hoping to become involved in a personal learning network. I can see them being a lifesaver especially for rural teachers. I'll keep my eye open for the Lava Learning Network.

  3. Hey Katie, I don't know if you got a chance to check out the video presentation on PLNs available on our moodle site. Heres the site

    Its a pretty good video with great ideas for starting a PLN.
