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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Filtering is such an important issue in school computer labs today. It is impossible to block every dangerous/inappropriate/useless site out there. Students are always going to try find a way around filters. Because of this potential problem it is important that we stay on top of it, by constantly keeping an eye on what sites students are visiting we set ourselves up to best to monitor student's computer activity. Schools should have programs that monitor what sites all the computers in the school visit.

It is so important to keep on top of blocking sites. If students find away to by-pass filters and make their way onto social networking sites the door to cyber bullying opens right up. It is important to not only rely on a filter but also inform the students. Students need to be informed about the dangers and penalties of visiting inappropriate websites. By setting strict penalties and following through with them we show them the seriousness of the situation. Students need to see that if they break the rules there will be consequences.

By setting strong filters and following through with penalties for visiting inappropriate sites we will be able to better control the sites being visited in our schools

Lava Man


  1. Hey Lava Man,
    I think that filtering is such a huge issue in schools right now. It seems like every division, even every school has a differnt take on the situation. I do believe that students need to be taught how to use the internet appropriately and perhaps this would stop them from using it during classtime.

    Cyberbullying is growing problem in our schools. It is almost frustrating because most of it happens outside of school, which makes it hard for schools and teachers to deal with it.


  2. The issue of filtering or blocking sites is huge in all school right now, personally I feel that teaching students proper use of the internet and what is appropriate, along with monitoring sites that they go on would be an effective way to keep students safe on the internet both at school and at home. I feel that if we block everything at school then when students go home they will be getting into even more trouble because they feel they are rebelling. Everytime I think about filtering I seem to come up with a slightly different take on it! It is a controversial topic!!

  3. Tyler my main man,

    Filtering is a huge issue. When I was an EA working in a school the students showed me these websites that you could use to hide yourself from the schools filtering programs. The students used these so they could access facebook etc. I think one was cleverly called, or something like that.

  4. This is an issue that I struggle with. Ideally it would be great if we could teach our students what is and isn't appropriate to do at school, and then trust them to honor that. In reality though, I just don't see it happenning.
