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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Technology in Phys. Ed. Class

Although most people might think technology doesn't have much of a place in Phys. Ed. class I feel technology can have huge benefit for Phys. Ed. students. There are so many ways to use technology in Phys. Ed. class whether it be in a classroom or the gym.

The most obvious uses for technology in a Phys. Ed. class is the ol' TV & DVD for videos, internet for research and word processing software for writing papers. There are many other uses for technology. One way to incorporate technology into the gym that will definitely the students attention is the Wii. There are so many games for the Wii that can get the blood flowing and get the students working up a sweat. Although a Wii is only a 4 person max system it is easy to create a circuit where the Wii is one of the stations. Another alternative is if any students have a Wii they can bring it in which would allow for more students to participate.

Nowadays the internet isn't just for research, there are so many sites out there that can be used to benefit students in a Phys. Ed. class. One site I had a chance to play around with is Fit Day. This site allows users to input what they ate during the day and any physical activity they have done. This site will keep a log of the information that is submitted by the user, the food that is input will be converted to calories and stored on the site. This site is a great resource that is free, all the user needs to do is sign up.

Today most students have ipods and teachers should take advantage of it. Encourage students to search for podcasts that relate to information being learned in classrooms and show them in class. There are so many podcasts out that that can relate school subjects and having the students search for them gives us, educators, more time for more fun activities like marking!!!

These are just a couple of examples of using technology in a Phys. Ed. class. With a little bit of researh I know we can find other valuable resources and tools. Technology is a great tool for all classes and I hope I put some new ideas into your head about technology in a Phys. Ed. classroom.

Lava Man

1 comment:

  1. I also agree that technology can play a huge role in the physed class. In my last placement we brought in playstations with the "DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION" game to do a dancing day with the students. They really enjoyed it. Also, teaching kids about things such as heart rate monitors is another great way of incorporating technology in the gym.
